L2 Orfen 5x

Website orfen.lineage2scarlet.com
Discord Discord
Version Orfen 5x Low rate server
Type NPC Buffer Offline Shop No Custom Retail
Location United Kingdom
Last Update27 Nov 2021
Join Date24 Aug 2018


Orfen 5x Lineage 2 Server Features
Chronicle: Etina's Fate (Orfen update!)

Rates: EXP: 5x / SP: 5x / Party EXP: 2x / Party SP: 2x / Drop Items: 1x / Raid Drop Items: 3x / Raid Drop Jewelry: 1x / Spoil: 5x / Adena: 5x

Community Board with Shop and Buffer.
Normal gameplay and craft system, no custom items, no custom zones.
Free Class Transfers, Noblesse and Awakening (or by quests)
Bonus reward on class transfers
Sell Buffs and Offline Shops.
Buffs time: 2 hours
Max. level 110
Max. R99 items (No R110 and No dragon items)
Stronger Raid Bosses and more frequent sieges
Merchant of Mammon announcements. Merchant of Mammon Travels from one township to another: Aden, Rune and Giran, randomly teleporting into one of the mentioned cities.
No gear (weapons/armors/jewels) on donation, no pay to win!
Paulina's equipment D/C/A/S/R available
Auction House (AH) available
Lindvior, Antharas, Valakas, Helios, Ramona, Etis van Etina and Orfen as final raid bosses (available)
No Wipe. All your work will be saved forever.