Sentinels Republic

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Version Publish 10
Type Custom Content Custom Loot Events Jedi Enabled New Planets
Emplacement United States
Dernière mise à jour25 Jul 2023
Date d'inscription21 Sep 2017


Sentinels Republic is a Pre-Combat Upgrade, Jedi enabled, Star Wars Galaxies Emulator Server established in 2017.

Our main goal is balanced engaging game play, unique content and quality of life improvements that allow our players to enjoy Star Wars Galaxies in new refreshing ways.

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- Increased Experience: 5x Experience Rates for all professions. 2x Jedi XP.

- Weapons & Armor: CU, NGE and custom weapons and armor added.

- Houses and Decor: NGE houses and decorations, custom paintings and loot.

- 15 Additional Species: Play as a Nightsister, Chiss, Bith or many more new species.

- 9 New Planets: Explore new planets, fight new creatures and make home on new worlds.

- Seasonal Content: Special holiday events and exclusive rewards.

- Focus on Balance: No overpowered weapons or classes.

Quality of Life:

- 7 Day Village Phase: Aurllia Village phase reduced to one week.

- Faster Craft Times: One second for crafting Prototypes and Practicing. Factory times reduced.

- Galaxy Harvester: All resource spawns are automatically uploaded to Galaxy Harvester.

- Resources: Increased extraction rate on all harvesters.

- Housing: Increased lots to 200 items per lot.

- Species Restrictions: All species can wear all armor and clothing.

- Mission Terminals: Descriptive assignments, 4 taken at once and 12 per page.

- Healthy Economy: No Anti-Decay Kits or Resource Deeds.


- Frequent Events: Regularly scheduled events with unique rewards. Event Listings

- Friendly Community: Zero tolerance policy on ********** or toxic behavior.

All Features - New Locations  Updates - Events

Change Logs
02 Aug 2019

Two Year Anniversary
The two year festivities have begun! Visit Despolo Wice in Theed to receive a reward for playing during our second anniversary. Take advantage of double XP and join in on the special events.

For a full list of events, check our the events page on our website, the event section on the forums or read the anniversary events schedule here.


Double XP
Starts August 2nd
Double XP has been enabled for non-Jedi Profession

Two Year Anniversary Rewards.
Event Coordinators can now use the Event Taxi System.

Various Geonosian Lab Conversations.
Warren Badge rewards can be obtained in any order.
Combat Medic DoTs not triggering Bounty Hunter tef.
Player Bounty mission credits resetting.
Improved Bounty Hunter missions updating and visibility.
Increased Bounty Hunter mission max credits to 1.5 million.

Bone Armor requires Iron instead of Kammris Iron.