Legion Of Players 2x

Discord Discord
Type Monthly Wipe PVE Zombies factions 10x Gather
Emplacement United Kingdom
Dernière mise à jour01 Feb 2023
Date d'inscription19 Jan 2023


                                          Atomic and the team give you the warmest welcome to the Legion of Players (LOP) server.

LOP is a refreshing change to how Rust is played, an innovative mix of PVE and PVP keeps the server popping and the player base challenged irrespective of your playing style.

* Raid Protection given to all new players who join to make sure they have the best experience they can before joining a main faction group.
* 80+ plugins make for quality of life improvements.
* Monthly wipes with purge 1 day before wipe.
* Perfectly balanced gather rate to ensure progression is fast and balanced. 
* We have very active and experienced staff including active admins!.
* Daily Events For people to win fun Prizes !!.
* Player Towns/Citys, all marking Different Factions with all Different Things For Everyone
* And a Dedicated Discord channel – https://discord.gg/rvNHjJSeBH

(Skills - Like MMORPGs but more DnD, level up your character and spend skill points to customize your character. Our system was developed with 4 years of data analyzation and many thousands of lines of data for complete skill balance and tweaking to provide a fair but still challenging experience.)

If your after a PAY-TO-WIN you will not get that from this server, This is PLAY to win. Many perks for VIP and VIP+ ranks all attainable through playtime.
Fully custom maps and monuments for players to fight and explore. Never run out of fun things to do and discover, Always Trying new or old Custom maps provided from your amazing Support

Are Direct Connect starts with you in-game Pressing F1 & in Console typing : Connect

If you are looking for something different or a new home, you won’t be disappointed at LOP! Come inside, say hello and be happy, we are glad to have you with us.