Deadhorse Anarchy

IP du serveur
Discord Discord
Statut Unknown
Dernière PingMonitoring disabled
Version Latest
Type Anarchy Survival Semi Vanilla
Emplacement Germany
Dernière mise à jour27 Oct 2022
Date d'inscription12 Sep 2022


Welcome to Deadhorse, the loneliest anarchy server in Minecraft.
Around 3 years old, this server has gone through it's fair share of history, then sagged to a halt. One man remains, singlehandedly reshaping Spawn and continuing the legacy of the server.

It's anarchy, so you know how it goes. No rules, reporting feature has been disabled, and there's a wide world to discover.
In almost every way it is vanilla save for 3 things. Mob/player heads, and a guild system, allowing you to create guilds and invite players to them, but it does not affect the natural gameplay. The last thing is an easter egg ;)