
IP du serveur
Site Web pokeorigins.org
Discord Discord
Statut Unknown
Dernière PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.16.5
Type Pixelmon Reforged Pixelmon Balanced Economy new Youtubers
Emplacement United States
Dernière mise à jour15 Jul 2022
Date d'inscription15 Jul 2022


PokeOrigins is a Minecraft Pixelmon server based on the popular Pixelmon Reforged MOD which brings Pokemon into the world of minecraft! 

PokeOrigins was created when a few buddies couldn't find a unique server that wasn't a clone of what's already out there and also a server that wasn't highly monetized to a point where playing was pointless!

Our purpose is to re-design how typical Pixelmon servers are presented to the community and offer a fully transparent experience that's authentic and rewards you guys for time and effort because thats how servers should be run.

With all that being said give us a shot and join our Discord and server!

Discord: https://discord.gg/pokeorigins