Golden RP

IP du serveur
Discord Discord
Statut Unknown
Dernière PingMonitoring disabled
Type Serious Rp Custom Cars job Drugs Gangs Ems Police houses
Emplacement United Kingdom
Dernière mise à jour24 Jul 2021
Date d'inscription24 Jul 2021


Golden RP is a serious rp server with lots to do.

Want to be a criminal we got you.

Want to be a cop we got you too.

And if you want to work for ems we have that too.


The server contains lots of great scripts from ***** to custom cars, custom houses, custom guns, 1 of 1s, custom fuel system, custom heists and lots more!


Join today and come have fun on a really cool and non toxic RP server! (And don't forget to vote to enter the monthly raffle for special prizes)