
IP del Servidor
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Versi贸n All
Tipo Skyblock Survival Balanced Economy Economy
Ubicaci贸n Netherlands
Ultima Actualizaci贸n06 Jul 2024
Fecha de Ingreso06 Jul 2024


Welcome to Stone-Legacy!

Stone-Legacy is a rapidly developing Minecraft Java/ Bedrock Edition server. In a very short time,
Stone-Legacy has grown into a multi-server network with various game modes.
Thanks to the quick actions of the staff team, the server will continue to grow consistently.

The Stone-Legacy team strives to add new things to the server on a weekly basis, keeping it challenging for every player.

Stone-Legacy is suitable for all ages. With well-defined and balanced rules, everyone treats each other with respect.
The staff team's swift actions also ensure that the server remains as safe and clean as possible.

We hope to see you soon on Stone-Legacy!