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Estatus Online
Ultimo Ping14 minutes 58 seconds ago
Versi贸n Any
Tipo AntiGrief Achievements Active Amazing Faction Survival Safe Survival Multiplayer Survival Skyblock Hardcore Pixelmon Reforged
Ubicaci贸n Norway
Ultima Actualizaci贸n13 May 2024
Fecha de Ingreso07 Nov 2023


A brand new minecraft network currently hosting various vanilla servers and pixelmon servers! with an aim to expand to modded, and RPG in the near future.

- Vanilla Servers are all set to 1.20.1!

- Prison with all new custom Mines and custom enchants!

- Survival a normal way of playing minecraft built for chill or relaxing players who dont want to stress out with custom things!

- Creative! Custom Terrain with whole new meaning of creative use your skills to build with the terrain!

- Pixelmon Servers! For the players who want a change! pixelmon is a world of pokemon! which requires forge and pixelmon to be installed on ur game!
Pixelmon 1.16.5

- Hard-line! For them players who want a a challange on fighting ur way though the mobs! designed for hardcore players! u have limited lives too watch out!

- Vanilla Discord:

- Pixelmon Discord:

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