Bonkka Nation SMP

IP del Servidor
Discord Discord
Estatus Unknown
Ultimo PingMonitoring disabled
Versión 1.19.2
Tipo 247 ChestShop Buycraft Small SMP Youtubers
Ultima Actualización19 Nov 2022
Fecha de Ingreso10 Nov 2022


Bonkka Nation SMP

Hey everyone I just want to let everybody know this is a survival world that I’m putting up and you were free to join and play with us we are trying to grow and get more players also we are adding plug-ins overtime and if you have any suggestions for the server make sure you join my discord also one thing about my discord it is a personal discord so all my other games I play on this one so you’ll have to go to the Self roles Area and get Minecraft to see all of our channels and then from there you can suggest any plug-ins that you think should be into the server. Also just let you know the server is cross platform with bedrock and in server IP you do have how do you join bedrock to the server. 24/7 server

BONKKA Nation Server


About the server: We have a lot of plug-ins on the server and here is the list of all of them.


AuctionHouse /ah

AdvancedVanish - /vanish - Youtubers and Twitch users

BetterRTP /rtp

Citizens - this NPC

CraftingStore - /BUY ING

Voting - /vote

CratePlus - vote on server or buying keys

Playervaults - /pv #

ExecutableItems - custom items

Geyser = Bedrock

MCMMO - level up tools

Graves - find your items when you die but you only have 24 hours to. After 24 hours anyone can take from your Grave.

Custom Enchants - coming soon!!! But more Enchants you can get and play with also they will be in crates.


And alot more but what you can't use in game. Just OPs can 

be sorry.