
IP del Servidor
Sitio Web amorphous-dragon.enjin.com
Discord Discord
Estatus Unknown
Ultimo PingMonitoring disabled
Versión 1.19 1.17 1.18 1.9 1.16
Tipo Survival Land Claim Parkour Vote Rewards Free Fly PVP PvE LandProtection Rankup mcMMO
Ubicación New Zealand
Ultima Actualización15 Aug 2022
Fecha de Ingreso02 Aug 2022


1.19 Server but can join from 1.9 onwards.
When people vote for our server they get rewarded with crate keys
Free fly with /tf
Free daily and hourly kits are available too /kits
Theres land claims with a gold shovel since our server has no greifing allowed.
Chests can be protected with blocklocker signs
We have a few parkours and a pvp arena too.
If enough people take an interest in the server over the next month or so we might even choose to add quests of some kind.

NZ server hosted in Australia by apexhosting.