
IP del Servidor
Sitio Web minetadia.com
Discord Discord
Estatus Unknown
Ultimo PingMonitoring disabled
Versión 1.18.2
Tipo Survival Multiplayer Multiplayer Survival Multiverse Custom Items Custom Enchants Parkour pvp Towny Town
Ubicación United Kingdom
Ultima Actualización01 Jun 2022
Fecha de Ingreso04 Apr 2022


Minetadia is a new and amazing minecraft server that focuses on bringing you the best minecraft experience in the universe!

You can join from anywhere, any version, bedrock, java, everyone is welcome!

We have epic dungeons to fight in and slay bosses!

Friendly community for you to make new friends and have a great time!

Every time you vote you will always be rewarded with a vote key and a small chance to get an aqua key!

We have loads of custom features to be explored!