Mine Down Under

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Estatus Online
Ultimo Ping22 minutes 34 seconds ago
Versi贸n 1.21
Tipo Survival Semi Vanilla AntiGrief Economy Minigames Quests Bedrock Creative Crossplay Land Claim
Ubicaci贸n Australia
Ultima Actualizaci贸n14 Jan 2025
Fecha de Ingreso07 Feb 2022


An Australian Survival Server, with crossplay compatibility with Java and bedrock. This server is very friendly, and is semi-vanilla. You can use /RTP when you spawn, to get teleported to wilderness. There is also a market area where you can rent a shop for selling items to other players. There are some plugins for convenience and Quality-of-Life, such as Sleepmost, Dynmap, TreeAssist, Griefprevention, and ChestShop. Bedrock players can connect with play.minedownunder.com:19132

There's also some NPCs living in the spawn hub, who offer small quests for in-game currency rewards, and I'm working on adding more.

We have also have a discord community to go with the server at https://discord.gg/7SedM52seR
Bluemap: http://minedownunder.com:8123
The rules are pretty basic, no griefing, no excessive *********, no cheating.

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