
IP del Servidor
Sitio Web jartexnetwork.com
Discord Discord
Estatus Online
Ultimo Ping5 minutes 40 seconds ago
Versi贸n 1.8.x 1.16.5 1.16.x 1.18.x 1.19
Tipo Op Prison Factions SkyBlock Minigames BedWars SkyWars Survival KitPvP Bed Wars Cracked
Ubicaci贸n United States
Ultima Actualizaci贸n11 May 2023
Fecha de Ingreso30 Nov 2021



JartexNetwork is a Cracked Minecraft server! Open to both Regular and Cracked players. Our server's player base is intermittently growing since it's first released, users around all over the world playing our amazing gamemodes and enjoying their time here with our beloved community. Can't wait to play? Join play.jartexnetwork.com now!

We have amazing Bedwars server, Skywars, Factions, OP Prisons, Custom Skyblock, TheBridge, UHC, KitPvP and more!

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Minigames servers offer extremely fun content for players of all ages to enjoy on a single network. Players start on these servers in a hub and then select the particular minigame they would like to play. Some gamemodes consist of building, pvping, mining, and more.

We aim for a fun and enjoyable player experience, with lag-free servers

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