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Ultimo Ping11 minutes 35 seconds ago
Versi贸n 1.16.5
Tipo Faction Survival Roleplay Creative Custom MiniGames FullPvP Kit PvP Paper Balanced Economy Vanilla
Ubicaci贸n United States
Ultima Actualizaci贸n30 Jan 2021
Fecha de Ingreso10 Dec 2020


Factions: The Original Home of Factions Roleplay: Extensive and detailed RP in the Server Captial PvP: Intense McMMO enhanced battles Lore: Server Lore that is always interactive and expanding Community: A welcoming and friendly international player base Forums: Intensely collaborative forum environment Custom Worlds: Handcrafted landscapes with endless possibilities Custom Plugins: Over 30 plugins current plugins to improve gameplay Friendly Staff: Ticket System to help with all your needs MassiveCraft is a long-running network of servers dedicated to the ultimate player experience! Join a faction and carve out your base - playing survival for high-stakes faction wars. Or create a character and weave a story on the main streets of Regalia, MassiveCraft鈥檚 roleplay hub, using our constantly growing universe of unique lore. We have over thirty plugins that enhance gameplay, custom worlds, and a welcoming community just waiting for you! 1.16.5 Release

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