A Zombie Pigman Broke My

IP del Servidor
Sitio Web azpbmd.com
Discord Discord
Versi贸n 1.18
Tipo Anarchy Vanilla PvP Survival Semi Vanilla
Ubicaci贸n Canada
Ultima Actualizaci贸n17 Feb 2023
Fecha de Ingreso03 Nov 2019


Hello gamers,

Thank you in these dire times for taking a chance with our server A Zombie Pigman Broke My Door.
We have one rule involving gameplay, NO CHEATING. My name is Wilderop, it is a gamer handle I chose in 1996 (approx.) when playing one of the first multi user online games. Now I invite you to try a place where there are very few rules. If you don't hack or cheat, if you don't spam excessively (so much others can't talk) or advertise, then you can do whatever you want on this server.

You can grief, you can steal, you can be a general piece of ****. Hey we are all pieces of **** sometimes heh? Maybe; however, you will decide to do what most of the players on the server have decided to do. Live in peace most of the time and work together. That's right, this is an anarchy server where people choose to work together, not because they are forced too.

Even **** makes the grass grow green, it does not have to be blood.

Server info:

Host/IP: nocheatsmc.com

Discord: https://discord.gg/8tm9KzK We now have gamechat linked to our discord and if you donate a certain amount to the server we will allow you to talk in game chat from discord as a way of saying thanks.

Running: 1.19.3

Location: Montreal, Canada

Difficulty: Hard.

Rule(s): Cheating = Perma ban, spamming nonsense = muted chat, lag machine = **** you.

Clarification on no cheating. No cheating means using any client or code to give you an advantage or "hack" the game. The only approved clients are vanilla client and optifine. Badlion is no longer approved because it gives some advantages. This includes any kind of x-ray. No botting with 3rd party software. F3+t is permitted. No world download because it can be used to explore bases and essentially is xray with more steps.