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Ultimo Ping13 minutes 10 seconds ago
Versi贸n 1.21.x
Tipo Economy Cracked Adventure Creative Parkour Survival Nations Vehicles Roleplay
Ubicaci贸n United States
Ultima Actualizaci贸n03 Oct 2024
Fecha de Ingreso02 Sep 2017


NightRealm is a Minecraft community aiming to make the game more enjoyable. We offer several gamemodes:

Survival: A classic Minecraft experience with added features like shops, land claiming, and container locking. The gameplay has been streamlined for long-term sustainability and easy maintenance.

Creative: Designed for passionate builders, this mode allows plot merging, claiming up to 128 plots, and free WorldEdit access.

Parkour: Players can showcase their skills, beat server time records, or enjoy a relaxing parkour experience. They can also build and submit their own parkours.

Nations: A realistic geopolitical gamemode set on an Earth map, featuring countries, cities, and politics. It includes a real-world economy, 3D guns, vehicles, and numerous natural resources, all without mods.

Run & Gun: This lobby contains all gun-related gamemodes. Players can customize loadouts, unlock perks and cosmetics, and add attachments to guns. It includes sub-gamemodes like Spider Defense, Gun Duels, and Team Deathmatch.

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