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Ultimo Ping19 minutes 42 seconds ago
Versi贸n 1.21.4
Tipo PvE SMP No Griefing Survival Community Semivanilla Ranks
Ubicaci贸n United States
Ultima Actualizaci贸n27 Jan 2025
Fecha de Ingreso03 Jul 2016


Play Minecraft as it should be played: unmodified and simplified!

Simplex is a semi-vanilla server made for players who are seeking to play Minecraft in the most genuine way possible; free from modifications that takes away from the true multiplayer Minecraft experience.
At Simplex, you must build, survive, suffer or prosper all by yourself, or together with other players. There’s no modifications which will take-away from the brutality of vanilla survival.

Simplex only has a few plugins to prevent grief, cheating and theft.
The ranking system is based entirely on the number of times you vote for the server. This way, everyone has the same opportunity and potential to rank up as any other player. You will receive in-game rewards for voting as well as more sethomes as you climb the ladder.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay!

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Change Logs
09 Sep 2016

Transferred to a new host - BisectHosting. Server is now more stable and less likely to crash.

22 Nov 2016

Updated the game to 1.11. Also the world border has been increased.