APOC Gaming Network

IP del Servidor
Sitio Web apocgaming.org
Discord Discord
Estatus Online
Ultimo Ping1 minute 9 seconds ago
Versión All
Tipo Custom Survival Hexxit Tekkit Technic Feed The Beast Modpack No Lag Grief Prevention Pixelmon
Ubicación United States
Ultima Actualización07 Jan 2024
Fecha de Ingreso23 Aug 2015


Apocalyptic Gaming Network(AGN) was founded in 2010, AGN is a multi-server modded/vanilla Minecraft network hosting 30+ servers.

- GriefPrevention (Custom Made) & Towny
- Economy/Shops/Rewards including Kits/Keys/Crates/Vote Rewards (Custom Plugin)
- Dozens of worlds to explore & Bungeecord Network(Custom Made)
- Global Chat/Mail/Messaging (Custom Plugin)
- Active Discord Server
- 24/7 Active Staff in game and on Discord & 24/7 Uptime
- Minimal banned items (each server has less than 10 banned items)

- Discord: https://discord.gg/DkNYWzB
- Website: https://apocgaming.org
- Instagram: https://apocgaming.org/instagram
- Twitter: https://apocgaming.org/twitter

 Direct IPs:
- Direct IPs can be found at: https://apocgaming.org/status/


- Hexxit
- Voltz


- Agrarian Skies
- Attack of the B-Team
- Tekkit Main/Space
- Test Pack Please Ignore
- Yogscast Complete


- GigaPack
- Tekkit Legends
- Tekxit 2
- FTB Infinity Evolved
- The 1.7.10 Pack
- Agrarian Skies 2
- Gregtech New Horizons


- The 1.12.2 Pack
- Tekxit 2
- Tekxit 3 LE
- Tekxit 3.14 PI
- Hexxit 2
- Hexxit Updated
- Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 
- RLCraft
- Sky Factory 4
- MC Eternal
- Dungeons, Dragons, Space Shuttles
- Tekkit 2



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