
Website qui3t.org
Discord Discord
Type Chat Chill Community English Development Friendly Free Geek Online Social
Location United States
Last Update29 Apr 2024
Join Date12 Oct 2023


- English only.

- [18+]: Due to the nature of the subjects discussed in this community, we expect everyone to be over the age of 18. If you are not older than 18, leave.

- We are not your personal army. We will not go after individual people for you. If you are having issues, reach out to your local police department, parents, teachers, and other resources.

- Remain respectful to others.

- We are not responsible for your actions.

- No 18+ content. There are places for such things; due to the focus of this community, we are not one of them.

- Do not share illegal content.

- Do not use @everyone without permission from mods.

- The search bar and Google are your friends. Use them first.

- No unrelated links/spam.

- All Discord rules apply. Please review their TOS.

- Be a decent human. If you can't understand this, you don't belong here. 

- We all get excited, but please no loud noises.

- Mute yourself when not speaking.