
Discord Discord
Type Minecraft League Of Legends Friendly other games
Location United States
Last Update14 May 2022
Join Date06 Feb 2022


Concordia is an open community mainly focused on minecraft and league of legends although if you find other people interested in other games, feel free to use the server for that as well. Our goal is to just meet and hang out with new people, anyone is welcome! We also want to keep the server open to new ideas so don't hesitate to suggest things. Just because we don't have it doesn't mean we can't get it. We have league nights almost every day and our minecraft server is open to anyone as well.


We only ask you follow these rules for our server. Hope to see you soon!


» Please keep language to a minimum and courteous

» Don’t Spam » Request for support in the correct channel

» Please keep the discussions in the correct channel topics

» Be kind and respectful » Don’t share any personal info

» Only Advertise in 📰advertisements (Don't advertise other minecraft servers or discords; youtube & twitch only)

» No crude or inappropriate content

» Keep politics and other touchy subjects out of chat

» Do not ***** the use of the bots. Commands should only be used in the proper channels