Clover SMP

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Letzter PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.9.x 1.9.4 1.9
Typ Semi Vanilla Vanilla Survival PVP SMP Economy Community Vanilla Survival Events Land Claim
Ort United States
Letztes Update27 Mar 2023
Beitrittsdatum27 Mar 2023


The Clover SMP is a Minecraft server specifically designed for the Army of Club Penguin community! Join us on Season 3, where you can experience all-new plugins and embark on exciting adventures with other players. Whether you're a veteran Minecraft player or new to the game, our friendly community welcomes all. Explore our vast world, build your dream home, and complete challenging quests to level up. With regular events and a dedicated staff team, the Clover SMP promises a fun and engaging Minecraft experience that you won't forget. Join us today and become part of the community!