Polaris MC

Server IP
Webseite polarismc.io
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Letzter PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19.x
Typ Towny Townywars PVP PvP Survival Semi Vanilla
Ort Germany
Letztes Update08 Feb 2023
Beitrittsdatum08 Feb 2023


Welcome to Polaris MC, the ultimate geopolitical Towny Earth Minecraft Server. Our server brings together the classic building and exploration gameplay of Minecraft with the added depth of town and nation building.

Our server features a 1:326 scaled version of Earth, with all the continents and countries available to be claimed by players or Nations. The server uses Earth's topography and resources to enhance the realism. We have implemented a unique diplomacy system which allows players to create alliances and trade agreements, with the goal of encouraging cooperation and collaboration between different nations.

We pride ourselves on creating a realistic and immersive experience for our players. Our server also has active staff, a balanced economy, custom items, and other features to enhance the gameplay experience.

We encourage all players to form towns, create nations, and participate in the political landscape of the server. Whether you're a seasoned Towny veteran or a new player, there's always something to discover on Polaris MC.

Thank you for considering Polaris MC as your new Minecraft home, we hope to see you soon!