Tactical Survivor

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Version 1.16.5
Typ DayZ Big Map Custom Map Multiplayer Survival PVP Guns Realism PVPRAIDING Forge Modded
Letztes Update28 Dec 2022
Beitrittsdatum28 Dec 2022


Welcome to the end, where only one rule metters: stay alive, no matters what.


Build, destroy, attack, defend, but at first, prepare. Find towns, loot them, from now on loot is life.

Organize into teams, or even push alone and sneak to the top of a mountain with a sniper, it’s up to you.
No unnecessary rules to follow and no one telling you what you can't do.
You can become whatever you want.


 In the game, you can find many kinds of

  • weapons,
  • food,
  • drinks,
  • clothing,
  • backpacks,
  • vehicles,
  • medicals,
  • and military equipment,

or you can take it from others.