
Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Letzter PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.16.5
Typ Action pvp Survival Discord Fun
Ort Australia
Letztes Update18 Sep 2022
Beitrittsdatum18 Sep 2022


Hello l have always wanted to have a Minecraft server like hypixel and other amazing servers so l made my server and l invited some of my friends to play and we play on it everyday but we want more people there is PVP and other good things. its a survival only server and a diamond only server as well you can have a Netherite pickaxe and shovel NOTHING ELSE ITS ONLY diamond anyway please join the server and give it some love we also have discord server so like we can all talk and have some fun. PLEASE DONT BREAK ANY RULES THERE IS NO CHEATING NO HACKING NO DEDOSSING OR ANY BAD HACKS OR ANY HACKS IN GENREAL IF YOU DO HACK YOU WILL GET PERM BANNED! but other than that you will have such a fun time GOODBYE ill see you soon! :)