
Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Letzter PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19
Typ survival smp Custom Biomes Sethome Tpa
Ort United States
Letztes Update09 Jul 2022
Beitrittsdatum09 Jul 2022


Welcome to ZirconiumMC!

We offer many custom and interesting features that separate us from the boring old survival experience.

We have a whitelist request which can be found on our discord
Some of the features we have include custom world generation that include over 90 new biomes to explore!
New maxes on enchants to make the late game much more interesting.
We have set-homes and tpa, along with vote rewards are also here too!
We offer an enjoyable experience with responsive staff that will be happy to help with any problems you may encounter with either the server or other players.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy your stay on ZirconiumMC!