
Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Letzter PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19
Typ Adventure Achievements Survival Economy
Ort Philippines
Letztes Update22 Oct 2022
Beitrittsdatum05 May 2022


NOTE: Pwede mga pinoy pwede din mga english. (This server is english only.)


Oxyrise Network

💥 We are the Oxyrise a small minecraft server looking to have fun, make new friends and enjoy with other players

❓ What gamemode do we have?
We have SURVIVAL (New Season Just Released) and we are working on CAH (Cards against humans) and also EVENTS (Make cool events with rewards!)

What can we offer?
✨ No P2W gamemodes
✨ No abusive Staff
✨ Free Ranks!
✨ Server active all day
✨ Giveaways
✨ And more!

Survival V3 Features
⚜️ Custom World Generation
⚜️ Balanced economy
⚜️ Ranks & Donators
⚜️ Lands
⚜️ Rewards from Vote
⚜️ Skills
⚜️ Custom Items
⚜️ Over 5+ Legendary Items
⚜️ And much more!

🌾 IP: Oxyrise.serv.gs
🌾 Discord: https://discord.gg/4cKHKJyn
🌾 Website: https://server.pro/server/22860855