
Discord Discord
Version 3.3.5a
Type Blizzlike Custom Progressive Dungeons Raids
Location United Kingdom
Last Update23 Aug 2022
Join Date13 Jul 2022





BlueRing Season 0




BlueRing's Season 0 is designed as a progressive level cap season where the focus is on both fun and testing the new systems we’re introducing for BlueRing. Progress and characters from Season 0 will carry over into our permanent non-seasonal realm at the end of the season. Progress will be retained!


Our goals with Season 0 is to get necessary feedback on our dungeon scripting and our new custom systems. To achieve this in a progressive manner we’ll be introducing a level cap of level 20 for the initial release. That means the dungeons available for end-game, at level 20, will be Ragefire Chasm, The Deadmines, Wailing Caverns, and Shadowfang Keep. We’ll additionally be introducing heroic and mythic dungeon difficulties for these dungeons that drop scaled up rewards with the intent of testing our dungeon and item scaling systems. Participate in Season 0 to experience the first and only time low-level versions of these mythic and heroic dungeons will exist! Eventually, over time, all of these dungeon’s heroic and mythic difficulty modes will be scaled up to level 80.


What you can expect on the launch of BlueRing’s Season 0:


- Progressive content releases

- Heroic and Mythic Low-level Dungeons

- Extended Realm-First Achievement System

- Dynamic Item Scaling System

- Realm First Item System

- Transmog

- Crossfaction Battlegrounds

- New PvP Gear

- Goblins coming soon!


Of course this is just what you can expect in the beginning for BlueRing. Our plan is to introduce the much anticipated Cataclysm zones, dungeons and raids in Season 1. Please join us in Season 0 so that we can progress through the content together and bring its scripting up to a quality state.