Terona Heroes

Server IP
Website teronaheroes.eu
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.18.x 1.19.2
Type Skypvp Minigames PvP Survival Safe Survival Survival Keepinventory Rankups Rankup Custom Enchants Fun
Location United Kingdom
Last Update18 Nov 2022
Join Date18 Nov 2022


» 🤩   Survival with custom enchants, tree gravity, vaults, warps,
» 🎩   Crate rewards from voting, auction house, wilderness, claims
»  🧍    McMMO, Jobs, homes, economy with shop, play time ranking.
» 🚧   Sethome system, Economy, Most unique gameplay, Rank-ups!
» ⭐   Keep inventory or xp on death. Exciting gameplay.

» 💰 Event Giveaways

»  👋 See you soon!

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