
Server IP
Website dismp.tebex.io
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19.2 1.18.x 1.17.x 1.16.x 1.15.x
Type Survival Kit PvP Arena Pvp BungeeCord Economy
Location United Arab Emirates
Last Update13 Sep 2022
Join Date11 Sep 2022


Hi everyone DisPlaced SMP is a Minecraft Server made for players who look for a unique SMP.

This SMP allows offline/non-premium launchers and has all the commands and features a player needs

This Server is Cross Compatible with Java, Bedrock, and Console Editions

IP: dismp.ddns.net:47251 

Version: (1.9 — 1.19.1 Java, Bedrock, PE, Console Compatible (Recommended to join with 1.19.1)

Discord: https://discord.io/dissmp (Mirror Link: https://discord.com/invite/5cGKNUnuaj)

Join Now To Find More Features On This Server And Start Adventures With Your Friends, You Can Apply For Staff Or Apply For President Of a Territory/Team.