
Discord Discord
Version Season 6
Type 100x
Location Germany
Last Update18 Oct 2022
Join Date18 Oct 2022


Server x100 - GAME DATA

  • Version: Season 6 Episode 3
  • Experience: x100
  • Master Experience x10
  • Drop: 30%


  • ELF NPC Buff Till: ON (Till level 220)
  • Official MU Helper: ON (From 80 level, 250 zen / level for 5 minutes)
  • Regular items: Max 2 excellent options [LIMITED]
  • Class required: Magic Gladiator = 220 lvl, Dark Lord = 250 lvl, Rage Fighter = 250 lvl
  • Points Per Level: 5/6/7
  • Guild Create Level: 400
  • Max Points on 100RR = 50000 [Formula: 100RR x500 points per reset = 50000]

    Server x100 - Castle Siege

  • Castle Siege Start: 3 Week After Grand Opening
  • Castle Siege Reward: 500USD FOR THE WINNER [HOT]
  • Reset Stats: ON
  • Rester Master Skill Tree: ON
  • Clear Inventory: ON
  • Vote Reward: ON (Vote every 6H = Wcoin(C) [HOT]
  • Character Market: ON
  • Webshop: ON [LIMITED] (You can buy items only with IN-GAME POINTS ---> Wcois(P) & GoblinPoints * NO PAY TO WIN - PLAY TO WIN *
  • FO Items: OFF (Max 2 Excellent options)
  • Echange WCoins(C): OFF
  • Queste(Achievements): OFF
  • Currency Market: OFF
  • Item level + 15 in Webshop: OFF (Max +9, only in-game max +15)
  • --BOK +1,2,3,4,5: OFF (Only in-game)
  • --380 lvl items in Webshop: OFF
  • --Ancient items in Webshop: OFF
  • --Socket items in Webshop: OFF
  • --1,2,3rd lvl Wings in Webshop: OFF
  • --Fenrir & Other Pets in Webshop: OFF