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What is Voting Check?
It's a system to check if players Vote or not for your site or server by entering the correct captcha security code on voting gateway.Methods
Postback PHP
Whitelist IP: monitor.topg.org in your Firewall Settings.
To set your postback URL go to Dashboard and use the Edit option under your site or server.
To set this link use Edit Settings option from your server page.
The name of file postback.php is just an example and it's not mandatory, feel free to name it as you like.
Your TopG voting link should have an extra - and PARAMETER on end. Copy the LINK from Voting Code and add -USERNAME or -123456 or whatever you keep track of (PARAMETER can be only numbers, letters and _ ). For example if I want to check if username `Razor` votes or not I make the link https://topg.org/CATEGORY/in-SITEID-Razor.
We sent you back the same PARAMETER and the call is made ONLY if the user has voted for you. Your postback.php should UPDATE at this point the user PARAMETER as Valid. In case he didn't voted we don't send any response.
https://topg.org/CATEGORY/server-SITEID-changemetousername#vote (with Voting popup)
Our response, due first or second case, will be:
Conclusion: The player with account id 1234 or username Razor has voted for you in case we called your postback link with parameter. is the IP address used by the player to vote on Topg.
Please read our PHP example to understand how to capture our response. We will send you the http request callback ONLY when the user has voted for you. If you need help setting this up please contact us.
How to fix voting callback on topg for Fusion CMS:
If you are using Fusion CMS go to /applications/modules/vote/plugins/topg.php and change line 21 to this:
To set your postback URL go to Dashboard and use the Edit option under your site or server.
1. Set your Postback URL (on TopG):
https://YOURDOMAIN/postback.phpTo set this link use Edit Settings option from your server page.
The name of file postback.php is just an example and it's not mandatory, feel free to name it as you like.
2. Update your voting link and add parameter to the end:
https://topg.org/CATEGORY/server-SITEID-PARAMETERYour TopG voting link should have an extra - and PARAMETER on end. Copy the LINK from Voting Code and add -USERNAME or -123456 or whatever you keep track of (PARAMETER can be only numbers, letters and _ ). For example if I want to check if username `Razor` votes or not I make the link https://topg.org/CATEGORY/in-SITEID-Razor.
3. Our response:
TopG will call your site after voting and the callback will look like this link:https://YOURDOMAIN/postback.php?p_resp=PARAMETER&ip=USERIP
We sent you back the same PARAMETER and the call is made ONLY if the user has voted for you. Your postback.php should UPDATE at this point the user PARAMETER as Valid. In case he didn't voted we don't send any response.
How your voting link should look like for User ID (first) or Username (second):https://topg.org/CATEGORY/server-SITEID-1234
https://topg.org/CATEGORY/server-SITEID-changemetousername#vote (with Voting popup)
Our response, due first or second case, will be:
Conclusion: The player with account id 1234 or username Razor has voted for you in case we called your postback link with parameter. is the IP address used by the player to vote on Topg.
Please read our PHP example to understand how to capture our response. We will send you the http request callback ONLY when the user has voted for you. If you need help setting this up please contact us.
How to fix voting callback on topg for Fusion CMS:
If you are using Fusion CMS go to /applications/modules/vote/plugins/topg.php and change line 21 to this:
return $this->CI->input->ip_address() == gethostbyname('monitor.topg.org');
postback.php example
define("DEBUG", 0); //set to 1 to enable debuger
define("LOG_FILE", "_postback.log"); //if debug is enabled will create this file for logs
define("TOPG_IP", gethostbyname("monitor.topg.org")); //This is TopG IP address
$ip_request = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //for Cloudflare $ip_request = $_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"];
if($ip_request == TOPG_IP) //check if response is coming from TopG
if(DEBUG == true) {
error_log(date('[Y-m-d H:i] ')."[OK] Valid callback: $ip_request".PHP_EOL, 3, LOG_FILE);
//get the parameters response from us and clean them
$p = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+/','',$_GET['p_resp']); //can be only numbers letters, minus and underscore
$user_ip = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]+/','',$_GET['ip']); //can be only numbers and dots
//connect to database
//if using MySQL uncomment the following lines (remove slashes)
//$p = mysql_escape_string($p);
//$user_ip = mysql_escape_string($user_ip);
//or if using MySQLi (change $DB name to correct one)
//$p = $DB->real_escape_string($p);
//$user_ip = $DB->real_escape_string($user_ip);
if(DEBUG == true) {
error_log(date('[Y-m-d H:i] ')."[GET] Parameters [p_resp]=$p [ip]=$user_ip".PHP_EOL, 3, LOG_FILE);
//Note: we send the parameters $_GET['p_resp'] and $_GET['ip'] back ONLY! if user $p has voted
//here run your code
//first you should check if account $p is valid and exists in your database
//also check if the user has voted in the last 12 hours
//give points to user $p that voted with ip $user_ip
//close database
if(DEBUG == true) {
error_log(date('[Y-m-d H:i] ')."[Invalid] Invalid request: $ip_request".PHP_EOL, 3, LOG_FILE);
//handle invalid request when callback is NOT from TopG.
//ignore or log the $ip_request as invalid request in your database
Minecraft Votifier
Minecraft Votifier
Whitelist IP: monitor.topg.org in your Firewall Settings.For Minecraft we use a special plugin called votifier. The voting process flow is like this:
- Your player enters his username on our Voting Gateway.
- We send response to your server if he has voted so you can reward him.
How to enable Votifier
You can enable and set this plugin on Dashboard while you add or edit your server.Download and install the plugin
You can get votifier plugin from Bukkit or from Curse: Download Votifier . Second steep is to search bukkit forums for a good working votifier listener compatible with your minecraft version.Get your votifier settings
PUBLIC KEY it's a long string file located: /plugins/Votifier/rsa/public.key. Copy-paste ALL of it.VOTIFIER IP and VOTIFIER PORT settings can be found inside: /plugins/Votifier/config.yml
host: VOTIFIER IP //your external IP address, the one used to connect to play port: VOTIFIER PORT //the default votifier port is 8192 debug: false //set to true to see connection details in console listener_folder: plugins/Votifier/listenersWe strongly suggest to enable debugging (debug: true) while testing new topsites.