BattleArenas 3.3.5

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Версия 3.3.5a
Тип Arenas Battlegrounds All Professions Pvp Only Instant 80
Последнее обновление15 Nov 2021
Дата регистрации15 Nov 2021


Welcome to BattleArenas 3.3.5a realm, here is the list with the server features:

- Wrathful Gladiator (Season 8) gear
- Season 7 PvP and PvE Gear also available
- Crossfaction Solo Queue 3v3 feature (MHC setup)
- Crossfaction Battlegrounds
- Wargames for 1v1 2v2 and 3v3 arena (.challenge commands)
- Template NPC
- Most ballanced and bugfree PvP environment
- Progressive MMR search range system
- Crystal which make arenas to start faster if players are ready
- No custom items, spells etc
- Fully working Movement Maps / Pathfinder System
- Spells Crowd Control Delay system
- Arena Ladder NPC
- Scripted all racial and class spells, abilities and talents
- Two Transmogrification systems
- Item Requester NPC
- VIP accounts for top arena players
- Duel reset cooldowns script
- Active Anticheat system
- Fully working Arena Spectator NPC + Spectator Addon
- Exotic Arena-queue places through the map
- Custom Jump Event with rewards
- Custom Arena Seasons with reward ceremony
- Exotic Mounts without faction restrictions
- Weekly 2v2 and 3v3 pvp events with Live Stream
- Daily fixes and improvements
- Arena Replays

Patch: Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a
Realmlist: set realmlist
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