Legends of Sosaria

Сайт legendsofsosaria.com
Версия Stygian Abyss
Тип Custom
Расположение Canada
Последнее обновление18 Nov 2021
Дата регистрации26 Sep 2021


PvM, ClassicUO Only, No Skill Cap, 300 Starting Stat Cap (500 possible with scrolls), New Player Dungeon, Quests, Champ & Power Hour Cloak (Available until 30 days Account Age), New Players start with 10xGM Skills, 50k Gold and a Small House! A New Player Facet to help you get started! Custom Clothing, Weapon & Hairstyle Graphics, Weapon Leveling & Imbuable Clothing, Custom Arti Systems (Tier 3 Tokuno, Relics of Ter Mur trade in system, Legendary Spawn and Artifact Drops), Ten levels of T-Maps (Custom drops for T-Map and SOS chests), Custom Resources and Runics, 12 types of BoDs, Seasonal & Custom Quests, Customized Player Vendors, Achievements, & Veteran Rewards, Custom Facet - Isle of Eacotura (Complete with custom Spawn, Tamables & Quests), LOTS of deco & SO MUCH MORE!

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