Kintull s Anarchy

IP-адрес сервера
Discord Discord
Статус Unknown
Последний PingMonitoring disabled
Тип Expert Free Build Freedom Free Items Vanilla Survival Tshock Expert Difficulty
Расположение United States
Последнее обновление12 Aug 2020
Дата регистрации12 Aug 2020


Welcome to Kingtull's 1.4 Anarchy Server!

We want to share a Tshock-Vanilla based Server for you.
- Spawn-protection for new Players (to not get stucked!)
- nothing banned
- server is in master mode
- Admins for restart or Bossspawnfun
- Kind Community
- when u build something cool, than it has the chance to get transferred to our House Server with the Port 7777
- Map reset is every 2 weeks (or more)

I hope u have fun and join today!

Also: When something is blocked due Tshock, don't be shy and ask on the Discord!