Busted Cantina

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Тип Events NPC Defendable Bases Shop Short Nights Skills Economy Better loot Power Grid Raid Protection Cost
Расположение United States
Последнее обновление07 Mar 2023
Дата регистрации07 Mar 2023


Welcome, all you tired Rusters, jump into the Busted Cantina, this isn't your mother's RUST server. We have lots of things to do as well as ways to earn money, so you can spend on the server shop. With so many things to do the question is what will you do first? But beware as you head out at night for a stroll to get some loot or recycle that useless stuff, be on the lookout for the things that go bump in the night.

Our Features are robust, check them out below:
- Longs days and short nights
- Most anything is lootable
- Share Auth with teammates (doors, codes, etc.)
- Unlimited Building Actions (Rotate, Destroy)
- Military Monuments are guarded
- Better Loot
- Buy 25%, 50% 100% Raid protection
- Backpacks (starting at 6 extra slots)
- Scrap Helicopter Storage
- 4 Seated Minis
- Vehicle Spawns/Drops
- Server Shop
- Banking system with a balanced economy
- Skilling System for Better Rates
- Power Grid Poles (8 am - 8 pm)
- One-click repair/upgrade
- Box stacking (3x)
- One-click Box Sorting
- Multiple events:
---Arctic Research
---Satellite Dish
---Power Plant
---Air Base
---Defend-able Bases (Zombie Waves)
---Raidable Bases (COMING SOON)

Rules and more detailed information found using /info in game.

Connection Info:
Freshly Wiped and waiting for victims. Wiped by force monthly.

Use /info in-game for more in-depth information about features and commands. Use in-game */report "name" reason to submit any issues.

Server Connection: play.rustedcantina.com:28017
Server Identity: The Busted Cantina

-Discord: https://discord.gg/wbhTxtnQyQ
-Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/bustcantina
-BattleMetrics : https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/18843278