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Тип Spawn Economy Instant PK PK PKing
Последнее обновление08 Jul 2022
Дата регистрации13 Jan 2016



Switch between oldschool newschool graphics Instant loadout sets Safe automated gambling Advanced content Join now


Pretty fun server, lots of dope customer pk shit. You can do lots of custom wild bosses that also have superior versions. you can customize your loadout to either focus on higher drop rates or more damage, which is fun. Pets actually have stats too so everyone is always doing something different when PKing so once you learn it all its super fun. Not just the same old thing like in runescape. There are a few clans you can try and join but the new player survive clan is good for awhile. lots of achievements and daily tasks to make money so you can skill or boss or pk for whatever money you want. There are also free tournaments every few hours and currently the Easter event is going on which is a great way to make money and super fun to play at the same time. Super user friendly on this server with all the tools and guides they give you and the trading post instead of the Grand Exchange is a great add-on. Anyone who likes osrs can find something to do here and there are teleports for everything so you don't have to waste your time. Definitely come check it out and type ::help if you need anything. Most ppl are friendly and the more people that join the server, the more fun it gets!


Hello my name is Handy (Diogo in real life name), I'm 21 years old and play runescape for over like 13 years now.

I've met runescape private servers when i was like thirteen years old and since then never stopped playing. 

Once I met Spawn PK i got completely addicted to it, just a great game and fun to play. I remember once I had to stop playing computer games for a huge personal reason and then i forgot about Spawn Pk's name and I was searching for it for over a month, that's how I love this server.

This server is completely amazing, totally the best server os rsps I've played in my whole life.

I've played this for years and every time i have to stop playing runescape or any rsps actually I after a while tend to come back to spk because it's completely awesome.

Love everything about it, from raids, to tob, to gambling to pking to pvming, i mean it's full of great content and very complete.

Anyone who enjoys rsps should definitely give it a try to spawn pk because they'll completely love it for sure and get addicted to it.

Lots and lots and lots of great content great staff and a really awesome community that makes me enjoy this server every day of my life.


The ability to connect with others in a realm where possibilities are endless is unmatched.There is a vast selection of weaponry, pets, armour and pathways to take on your journey through gielinor. Namaste.