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Статус Unknown
Последний PingMonitoring disabled
Версия 1.19.x
Тип pvp Cracked Semi Vanilla PVPRAIDING Raiding SMP
Расположение United States
Последнее обновление01 Jul 2023
Дата регистрации26 Nov 2022


Come to Fair N Square to experience Minecraft in a semi-vanilla server featuring competitive PvP with raiding/stealing allowed! Due to the nature of the server, its not for the light-hearted; many people will play, but only the strong will survive...

If you are looking to test your skills in a competitive environment, then choose Fair N Square and you wont choose wrong. There are 20 minute deathbans (in PvP only) where your opponent can choose to revive you, keep inventory is disabled and there are chat-based item auctions where you can put items up for other materials.

If you want to practice PvP without fear of losing your hard earned gear, challenge someone to a duel and you will be teleported to an arena for a "fair n square" duel!

The server also has a bounties system and there are 0 P2W features (and never will be)! Need I say more...?

The average FNS player is considered a genius, which could include YOU! Join today! :v