Medieval Kingdoms

IP-адрес сервера
Discord Discord
Статус Unknown
Последний PingMonitoring disabled
Версия 1.18
Тип PvP Survival Kingdom PvE Semi Vanilla Balanced Economy Community Essentials Grief Prevention Teams Custom Spawn
Расположение United Kingdom
Последнее обновление04 Jul 2022
Дата регистрации29 Nov 2021


Medieval Kingdoms is a tight community server with lots to offer! Plugins such as GriefPrevention and Treegravity allow for optimal gameplay while you can focus on more important things... like ruling your own kingdom. Medieval Kingdoms is a 1.18 server with semi casual PVP based gameplay. We have 5 kingdoms which all will have their own systems, player markets, trading and more! Go to war with other Kingdoms for ultimate bragging rights or build the coolest castle for everyone to see. This particular server is new, but the medieval theme’d servers I host are not. We’ve been around since Jan 2020 and are continuing to grow with one of our servers reaching over 30k+ unique players. Being one of the first to join Medieval Kingdoms I’m sure will inherit you your own boasting rights... and maybe even a kingdom to rule.