
IP Server
Discord Discord
Versiune 1.16.x 1.18.x 1.19 1.19.x 1.19.2
Tip Joc Survival Economy Achievements Authme AntiGrief Bukkit Spigot Paper Cracked Discord
Locatie Netherlands
Ultima Actualizare26 Aug 2022
Data inregistrarii14 Jan 2021


SuCraft is a small community survival server with strong anti-grief running since 2011! We have 5-10 people online at peak times every day, and we have a really helpful play-together atmosphere and a Discord server.

There are no building limits, you can build where you like. There are simple player-to-player shops and some fun achievements to get, but other than that gameplay is just like single player, but then together! The world has and will never be reset and the server will stay online.

Come join us after our 11-year anniversary and make some friends :)


To join with a cracked username, please join the Discord first and ask there :)