
IP Server
Website wildcraftmc.com
Discord Discord
Status Online
Ultima Verificare6 minutes 24 seconds ago
Versiune Latest 1.20.x 1.21.x
Tip Joc AntiGrief Creative World MCMMO Jobs Vote Rewards PvE Boss Mobs Quests Vanilla Survival Land Claim
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare12 Dec 2024
Data inregistrarii17 Oct 2015


⬥🔹 WildCraftMC 🔹⬥

Where the Wild, is home!

Server Population: Avg 20 - 25+ daily
Discord Population: 2100+ members
Staff Age Range: 21 - 40+ yrs

⭐‿︵ ✩ ༺ About ༻ ✩ ︵‿⭐

In an endless sea of cold impersonal Minecraft Networks & Hub servers, WildCraftMC wishes to offer you something more meaningful, a server to call home.

WildCraftMC is a multi-purpose social community for everyone, whether it be over Discord or WC's Minecraft server, we offer a multitude of premium features which allows for an adventurous experience that offers exclusive events, quests and items to collect and/or share.

We would like to invite you to our server community & into our family.

⭐‿︵ ✩ ༺ Basic Info ༻ ✩ ︵‿⭐

Version: 1.21+ Java Edition
Established: April 17, 2011
IP: play.wildcraftmc.com
Location: Canada/USA
Donation StoreStore
Discord: Discord
Voter & Donor RanksRanks

⭐‿︵ ✩ ༺ Features ༻ ✩ ︵‿⭐

🌳 ༺ Grief Prevention ༻ 🌳

Claim your lands to protect your builds from grief for yourself or with members you trust.


💥 ༺ Community ༻ 💥

We strive to make our server community feel as friendly & safe as possible to everyone that wishes to join us. Visit us on our Discord server to get a true feeling of what we are all about. We encourage players to discuss suggestions or concerns regarding the community as to fulfill everyone's individual interests.


🏆 ༺ Ranks ༻ 🏆

We offer two different forms of ranking: voting & donating. Earn increasingly better ranks by voting daily which provides you with donor-like perks, the higher the vote rank, the better the reward. Donor ranks are setup in a way to allow members to skip the process of daily votes while supporting the community at the same time.
View more info here, Ranks.


💰 ༺ Crates ༻ 💰

Redeem special keys from server events, contests, voting & donating to receive various unique rewards. Watch out for our monthly crate events!


💲💲 ༺ Economy ༻ 💲💲

Our members earn economy by joining up to two specially designed jobs which offer a levelling mechanic to increase income over time. Other ways of earning is by participating in server events & setting up your very own player shop.


⚔️ ༺ Advancements ༻ ⚔️

Included are a multitude of optional features, such as survival and creative worlds. An RPG play style to upgrade your player skills. Mini Bosses that drop rare collectible loot. Adventurous Quests that offer exclusive events and items to collect. An advanced fishing feature with custom levelling, rod augments, entropy & much more.

We offer an extensively customized advancement system that offers special abilities & rewards for completing many new achievement based advancements.


💎 ༺ Events ༻ 💎

Vote Parties & Build Contests
Holiday Themed Events
Treasure & Scavenger Hunts
Discord Events & Giveaways
Movie Nights

Jucatori Online in ultimele 24 de ore

Change Logs
08 Dec 2023

We have been officially updated to 1.20.1. Later today the Admin team will be testing our features in hopes of updating to 1.20.3-4 in the coming days.

