
IP Server
Status Online
Ultima Verificare5 minutes 8 seconds ago
Versiune Latest
Tip Joc Multiplayer Survival Pve Survival Custom Ranks AutoRank Economy LWC Residence AntiGrief Spigot No Lag
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare02 Mar 2024
Data inregistrarii23 Sep 2014


About us:
Welcome to the efCraft Survival server.

We try to have a fun friendly environment for players. You can protect your own builds, earn economy in game, make shops to sell things, and just enjoy the server without spending a penny.

We offer a rankup path on the server that grants users more permissions for free. These ranks evolve around progression in the game, and helps us build trust to the user. The higher the rank you achieve the more exciting tools you get access too. We have three tiers of ranks that vary difficulty and reward the player: 1) normal, 2) Pro, 3) Elite. The higher difficulty ranks are not for the feint of heart, and will push you in terms of how tedious some tasks; however, if you are able to complete these ranks, then you will be rewarded.

Thank you for coming and have a great time in game!

Jucatori Online in ultimele 24 de ore

Change Logs
05 Oct 2014
New spawn!!! Spawn has been released and its a lot better that the original. Nice and simple.