OpenWoW Instant 85

Discord Discord
Versão 4.3.4 7.3.5
Tipo Arenas Instant 85 Progressive Scripted PVP PVE Battlegrounds Crossfaction Custom Content Friendly Staff
Localização France
Última Atualização21 Aug 2022
Data de Entrada21 Aug 2022


OpenWoW is a 4.3.4 instant 85 cataclysm server which offers the following

-- Our PvP includes Arenas, Battlegrounds, Solo queue and world PvP in Gurubashi

-- Our PvE includes customised content within dungeons, raids, world bosses and solo content

-- We offer something for both PvP and PvE for players to enjoy!

-- Starter gear system for PvP is Ruthless S10 (378 Weapons/384 Armor)

-- Starter gear system for PvE is Raid Finder Dragon Soul (384) up to Heroic Firelands (391) with various mixed offpieces starting at 372++

-- We don't offer any pay to win services to get ahead of the gearing system and focus on a balanced progressive gearing system

-- Do you have discord? Join us at

-- Come try us out today, thanks for reading!