Shiningmu S19P23

Versão S19P2 3 Latest features Pets and items for reset
Tipo FarmingCrafting Fun gameplay
Localização United States
Última Atualização01 Jul 2024
Data de Entrada30 Jan 2024


Shiningmu S19P23

Shiningmu Project X5000 world Opening with latest Season 19P2-3

This is a new Mu Online long-term gaming project! Server is build on the latest Season 19 Part 2-3 Server files with lots of customs to make the game long-term!
Exciting PVE from first resets till maximum stats 32000
Balanced PVP to make it last 3-5 seconds!

Version: Season 19part 2-3

Experience: X5000, Master X5000, Majestic X5000
Points per level: Standart 5/7 Stats stays.

Reset in game: /reset 10Wcoins 1000 ruud, Stats stays! No Reset limit! After reset auto move character to lorencia! Does not save unspend points after reset! Points per level: Standart
Master points: 2
Majestic points: 2

Starter bonus:

  • Panda Pets 3days Buff & 3days Panda Ring/startergift
  • Warrior 100 and 300lvl ring
  • Ghost Horse

Reset Milestones, make resets to claim more rewards

  • /reset1 Random 2lvl Wings Box
  • /reset5 Ice Dragon
  • /reset20 Rage Earrings Left and Right +15 Full
  • /reset50 Random 3rd Wings Box
  • /reset100 Pentagram Dagger +15
  • /reset500 Conq Wings +Ur Pet
  • /reset2000 New Leviathan PET
  • /reset3000 VIP Pet Ice Dragon
  • /reset4000 VIP Pet Pear Lion
  • /reset4000 VIP Pet Shining Tail
  • /reset5000 VIP Pet UR Rare
  • /reset6000 VIP Pet Leviathan RARE

Chaos machine for leveling up items to +15= 100% Succes rate!

High jewel drop all maps

2 lvl Wings drops: Icarus
3 lvl Wings drops: Elites Red Icarus

Extra WCoins: Tormenta Underground!

Goblin points: Blood Castle mobs 1mob 1points, Wcoins: Red Magic Mobs BC, 1Mob 1 Point
Happy Hour exp: Morning 8-9 Evening 20-21 Server time
All top bosses respawn every 2hours!
Golden invasion Every 1hour!

  • Socket Weapons +15 +5sockets extra: Auto combo chance 5%
  • 4th Wings +15 extra: 200% Elemental damage +1'000'000 HP
  • 5th Wings +15 extra: 400% Elemental damage +3'000'000 HP
  • Apocalypse Weapoms items +15 extra: Critical/Double Damage

Resetting stats ingame, commands: example /decstr 11
Make perfect build, rebuild stats
Decrease Strenght points = /decstr
Decrease Agility points = /decagi
Decrease Vitality points = /decvit
Decrease Energy points = /decene
Decrease Command points = /deccmd

  • /npc To Open shop npc, to sell or buy
  • /store To Open vault
  • /evo Evolve quests
  • /addstats Add stats automaticaly evenly

Party: Get more experience with bigger parties: 5Unique characters in party (Gold party) gets the highest exp bonus.