
IP do Servidor
VersĆ£o 1.21
Tipo Semi Vanilla SMP
ƚltima AtualizaĆ§Ć£o31 Oct 2024
Data de Entrada21 Oct 2024


Join in Rickcraft is a new growing server, looking for new players, ideal for those who want to play 

why Rickcraft is it the best server
get rewards, if you enter the server you will receive various rewards including diamonds (only if you are one of the first 5, currently there is only one free spot) gold, iron and much more. Which you will find at the rewards point shortly after spawn


help, players are always available to help the newest ones

no tp-kill, tp-kill is forbidden by the server so you can teleport safely to other players
so what do you do hurry up and join the server and don't forget to rate the server