
IP do Servidor
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Status Online
Último Ping11 minutes 46 seconds ago
Versão 1.9.x 1.21.x
Tipo 4Fun Fun Need Staff Friendly Multiplayer Survival SMP
Localização United States
Última Atualização26 Jul 2024
Data de Entrada25 Jul 2024



Thank you for taking your time to read this!

We are AstroMC! We are a SMP server and a RLCraft Server! We need staff and people to help grow and develop our server and community!

Current Postions »
✶ Helper
✶ Moderator
✶ Admin
✶ Builder

Staff Responsibilities »
✶ Be online! Not always but just show up every now and then and be active!
✶ Make sure that people aren't greifing or being rude.
✶ Keep peace in discord/server
✶ Abide by all rules, and the rest should be common sense.
More will be explained to you by us later!

Our History »
AstroMC was created in 2019 by Me and my friend RK! It was originally supposed to be a vanilla SMP with minimal plugins, but our vision quickly changed, we want a community that is continuously growing and a place where everyone can have fun together.

If you're interested in a position you can contact me on Discord:

Our Links »
RLCraft Server IP:
SMP Server IP:

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