Ancar Official LOTR

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ƚltimo Ping43 seconds ago
VersĆ£o 1.16.5
Tipo Cracked Survival Battle Bosses Lotr MiddleEarth Lord of the Rings Custom Map Custom Plugins Modded
LocalizaĆ§Ć£o United Kingdom
ƚltima AtualizaĆ§Ć£o29 Jun 2024
Data de Entrada29 Jun 2024


Ancar is the Official server of LOTR Renewed-Extended Mod, it's features involve:

  • Map of Middle-earth (with 100+ biomes, road system, waypoints and fast travel)
  • NPCs from various Middle-earth factions (with conditional speech dialogs)
  • AncarFA, 20+ playable factions with customizable Faction Hierarchy and Permissions
  • A dozen of playable Races and unique lore Roles (i.e Sauron, Saruman, Gandalf etc...)
  • Wars and battles for the control of Middle-Earth, integrated with a Province Map
  • Hundreds of new blocks and items
  • Vertical slabs, wood slabs/stairs/branches, and multiblock gates
  • New Animals, trees, flowers, and custom-modelled fallen leaves
  • Modified night skybox, more pleasant rain, and the northern lights of Forodwaith
  • Custom crafting and smelting stations
  • Enhanced melee combat system, +12 Damage Types, Item Levels, Item Tiers, Gems and more
  • Drinks-brewing system
  • Claim system to protect your home
  • Dungeons and Questlines
  • Middle-Earth Artifacts

Requirements to join:

  • Forge 1.16.5
  • Latest LOTR Renewed Mod
  • Latest LOTR Renewed-Extended Mod
  • Latest CustomNPC 1.16.5

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