
IP do Servidor
Website cerasusmc.com
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Último PingMonitoring disabled
Versão Latest Any 1.9.x All
Tipo Towny PvP Survival Creative Plots mcMMO AutoRank Paper Crates Custom Plugins Discord
Localização United Kingdom
Última Atualização16 Apr 2023
Data de Entrada15 Feb 2023


Java: play.cerasusmc.com

A community that belongs to the Plantation 13 gaming community, we are a group of players that enjoy playing the survival aspect of Minecraft with the added bonuses that we like to describe as SMP Plus. We are always looking to progress our server to the benefit of our players, meaning we are open to feedback and new ideas.

What do we offer?

Playtime Rewards
GUI Shop
Survival World
Portal Hub
Nations & War
Economy & Hourly Rewards
Graves System
Loot Crates
Animated Objects & Custom Sounds

Plus much more! (Wouldn't want to spoil the surprises now would we?)


Cerasus is built on respect, integrity and community. We expect these core values to be upheld while playing on our server, and as such, you will have to agree to our rules before you are able to interact with the world. When you load into our universe, run /rules and make sure to accept!

We reserve the right to amend the rules at any given time to make sure the server remains drama free and as fair as possible.


We are a part of the Plantation 13 network, join our Discord today.