Ashes SMP

IP do Servidor
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Último PingMonitoring disabled
Versão 1.19.1
Tipo PvP Survival Pve Survival Small Action Balanced Economy Big Map Banks SMP Survival MCMMO
Localização United States
Última Atualização13 Oct 2022
Data de Entrada17 Sep 2022


Ashes SMP is a new survival based, SMP server with its main focus on enhancing the vanilla experience with fun server wide events, new custom enchants added weekly, MCMMO, and more quality of life plugins! This server aims to make vanilla minecraft 10x more fun with a player run economy and a way to make minecraft post endgame way more enjoyable, with our weekly challenges to see who can do the most of a given challenge, we are also currently working on a deathmatch mode you can learn more about on the server.

Main plugins
- Grief prevention
- Economy
- AdvancedEnchantments
- Essentials
- Crossplay
- Backpacks