
IP do Servidor
Website wanderersmp.enjin.com
Status Unknown
Último PingMonitoring disabled
Versão 1.19.1
Tipo Survival
Localização United States
Última Atualização16 Jan 2023
Data de Entrada10 Aug 2022


Welcome to Wanderer SMP!

We are a 1.19.1 Survival server! As the name implies, we are a server in which your imagination can wander! It is a place in which you can experiment with no heavy consequences, whilst providing a relaxing survival experience. Included in our server is a ton of fun plugins that allow you to enjoy the environment and keep your session from feeling drawn out. The plugins add a lot of quality of life, realism, and social enhancements such as; realistic trees falling, perma-silk touch, claiming plots of land, getting married and so much more. This server focuses on community and inclusivity which means all are welcome with open arms.

Come join us at play.wanderersmp.net