Terra Mater

IP do Servidor
Website terramater-mc.com
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Último PingMonitoring disabled
Versão 1.17
Tipo Towny Earth MCMMO Economy Player Shops Player Ranks Quests PS4
Localização United Kingdom
Última Atualização15 Aug 2021
Data de Entrada10 Apr 2021


Terra Mater

Welcome to Terra Mater!  

What is this server?
Terra Mater is a Towny Survival Server using a 1:500 scale map of planet Earth!
You arrive at Vallar, who are looking for adventurers like you to help explore, settle and prosper in the newly discovered world named 'Earth'.  

The economy is player-driven, and it encouraged that players buy and sell from each other, as the market prices in Vallar are expensive.   

What plugins do you have?
Terra Mater has many plugins to enhance the standard Minecraft survival experience, the main ones being:
- Towny
- Siege War
- Quests
- Brewery
- Auction House
- ChestShop
- Lottery
and many others!

Check our website for full information on what the server has to offer.

Join us on Discord:

Change Logs
23 Apr 2021

The End is now available for people to enter!

12 May 2021

9 new daily quests have been added, check out upstairs in The Blue Dragon Tavern in Vallar!

13 May 2021

Combat log and player warps added